Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems

A National Engineering Research Center


  • Expanding ATLSS Cyber-Physical Testing Capabilities
    Expanding ATLSS Cyber-Physical Testing Capabilities
  • How Do Powerful Winds Affect Tall Buildings?
    How Do Powerful Winds Affect Tall Buildings?
  • Tackling Offshore Wind Energy 'From the Ground Up'
    Tackling Offshore Wind Energy 'From the Ground Up'
  • A Sharper Focus on Catastrophe Modeling
    A Sharper Focus on Catastrophe Modeling

ATLSS Engineering Research Center 

at Lehigh University

Lehigh University’s Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Engineering Research Center, under the direction of Bruce G. Jonston Professor of Structural Engineering James Ricles, Ph.D., P.E, is a national center for research and education on structures and materials of the infrastructure.  We welcome you to learn more about the Center, including its people, projects, programs, and educational opportunities, and how the Center can be of benefit to you or your organization.


Two researchers in Lehigh University’s Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Engineering Research Center will take on new leadership roles effective July 1, 2024.
Early-Career Researcher Alia Amer is all about Resilience – in Large-Scale Structures and in the Engineering Profession.
Registration is now open for the NHERI Lehigh Researcher Workshop: Mitigation of Natural Hazards Through Component Testing, Advanced Simulation, and Large-Scale Multi-Directional Experiments on November 17th and 18th at the ATLSS Center