ATLSS Engineering Research Center 

at Lehigh University

Welcome to Lehigh University’s Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Engineering Research Center. Led by Bruce G. Johnston Professor of Structural Engineering, James Ricles, Ph.D., P.E., ATLSS is a nationally recognized hub for research and education in infrastructure structures and materials. Explore our people, projects, programs, and educational opportunities to discover how ATLSS can support your goals and benefit your organization.


June 13, 2022

Frangopol Named International Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering

Dan M. Frangopol, the inaugural Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture at Lehigh University, has been elected into the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) as an International Fellow. Per the citation, Frangopol was honored for “the creation, development, and application of life-cycle engineering under uncertainty—a major contribution to the knowledge base with a significant impact on civil engineering design, teaching, and practice—and world leadership and service in promoting international cooperation in

April 11, 2022

Tackling Offshore Wind Energy 'From the Ground Up'

The offshore wind multidirectional soil-foundation interaction testing facility the team has been building within Lehigh’s ATLSS Engineering Research Center is now complete. Improvements to the structure came via a 2019 DOE award meant to advance wind energy nationwide. Six projects, including Lehigh’s, received a total of $7 million for testing and upgrades to facilities to conduct innovative offshore wind energy R&D.

January 13, 2022

A Sharper Focus on Catastrophe Modeling

Paolo Bocchini, Daniel Conus, Brian Davison and their colleagues leverage their collaborative experience in probabilistic modeling to sharpen their focus on catastrophe modeling, a discipline not traditionally explored in academia. Led by Bocchini, the university’s Probabilistic Modeling Group has built momentum in its work, developed relationships with collaborators in industry and academia, and secured funding for a variety of projects. Eventually, the group began receiving grants for applications of probabilistic modeling to catastrophe modeling. This

December 23, 2020

NSF Awards Lehigh $5.3M to Renew NHERI Experimental Facility

The National Science Foundation has awarded Lehigh a $5.3M grant renewing the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Experimental Facility for another five years. The facility operates within Lehigh’s Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems (ATLSS) Engineering Research Center within the Institute for Cyber Physical Infrastructure & Energy (I-CPIE). Preceded by Lehigh’s Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) RTMD facility, the NHERI facility was established in 2016 under funding from the National Science Foundation to...
Dr. Jonkman (top left) with the OWHSF team, including Drs. Justin Jaworski (MEM), Arindam Banerjee (MEM), Richard Sause (CEE) & Muhannad Suleiman (CEE).
November 16, 2020

Offshore Wind Hybrid Simulation Facility Hosts First Seminar

Dr. Jonkman (top left) with the OWHSF team, including Drs. Justin Jaworski (MEM), Arindam Banerjee (MEM), Richard Sause (CEE) & Muhannad Suleiman (CEE). Not pictured: Drs. James Ricles (CEE) & Mohamed Mekkawy (Fugro USA). In November, I-CPIE’s Offshore Wind Hybrid Simulation Facility (OWHSF) hosted the first seminar of its Offshore Wind seminar series. Dr. Jason Jonkman, a Senior Engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), was the guest speaker. His talk, Engineering Modeling to...
From L to R: P. Scott Harvey, Associate Professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science at the University of Oklahoma; Braulio Covarrubias Vargas, graduate student; James Ricles, Bruce G. Johnston Professor of Structural Engineering and Director of Lehigh’s Real-Time Multi-directional Earthquake Simulation Facility.
October 26, 2020

Visiting Researcher from University of Oklahoma Conducts Tests at NHERI Lehigh

From L to R: P. Scott Harvey, Associate Professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science at the University of Oklahoma; Braulio Covarrubias Vargas, graduate student; James Ricles, Bruce G. Johnston Professor of Structural Engineering and Director of Lehigh’s Real-Time Multi-directional Earthquake Simulation Facility. In August, P. Scott Harvey, Associate Professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science at the University of Oklahoma, spent five weeks conducting research at Lehigh’s Natural...
Muhannad Suleiman with students at Lehigh's ATLSS Engineering Research Center.
October 24, 2019

Team Led by Muhannad Suleiman Receives Funding from DOE

Muhannad Suleiman with students at Lehigh's ATLSS Engineering Research Center. This week, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the selection of 13 projects awarded a total of $28 million in research funding to advance wind energy nationwide. Six projects will receive a total of $7 million to conduct testing and upgrade facilities to support innovative offshore wind research and development, utilizing existing national-level testing facilities. Among these six recipients is a team of I-CPIE...