This ATLSS program brings together students from various universities across the country and exposes them to a well-rounded professional development experience. Students can participate in an ATLSS project, for example:

  • the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) program,
  • the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) funded Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multi-Modal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) Mid-Atlantic University Transportation Center (UTC) program, or
  • the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance (PITA) program.

The program’s activities include professional skills development workshops and seminars, onsite outreach activities, and offsite tours.  In addition, students are assigned to an active research project at ATLSS under the direction of a project Principal Investigator and graduate student mentor to help them navigate through the research project experience. The program culminates with a final report, presentation, and poster on the students' research findings.