Posted: August 11, 2022
ASCE has honored the writing team of Joseph Saunders, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE; Yixin Chen, S.M.ASCE; Jayne A. Marks, P.E., M.ASCE; Ian C. Hodgson, P.E., S.E., M.ASCE; Richard Sause, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE; and Brian M. Kozy, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, with the 2022 Collingwood Prize for the paper “Finite-Element Fatigue Analysis of a New Rib-to-Floor Beam Connection for Orthotropic Steel Decks,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, Feb. 2021.
This paper explored the fatigue performance and general feasibility of a novel connection type for orthotropic steel decks. Orthotropic steel decks are a type of bridge deck made entirely of steel, resulting in a lighter deck overall. This is advantageous for retrofit projects, long-span bridges, or suspension bridges where the dead load of the bridge should be reduced as much as possible. The paper reports research done into the fatigue performance of a new connection type that will aid in automating fabrication of these unique bridge decks.
The Collingwood Prize is awarded to the author or authors, under 35 years of age, of a paper describing an engineering project with which the author is directly connected, or recording investigations contributing to engineering knowledge to which the author has contributed some essential contributions and which contains a rational digest of results.